Statoil South Pars

General information

Client StatoilHydro AS  
Project Statoil South Pars 
Year 2009 
Location Iran 
Vessels Solitaire 
Max. water depth 86 m (282 ft)

Scope of work

  • Pipe haul
  • Survey
  • Rock dumping
  • Pre-commissioning
  • Installation

Project specials

  • Short preparation time
  • Old pipe to be used (3 years old)
  • Tight curve radii snaked lay (1500 m) over 50 km
  • Tight lay tolerances (± 5 m) at snaked lay section
  • Installation parallel and close to existing lines (80 m)
  • 6 crossings (2 pipelines and 4 FOCs)
  • Recovery of pre-laid string

Pipe characteristics

104.9/65.1 32 20.6 X65
4.5 piggyback X55
0.5/0.3 32 28.8 X65
4.5 piggyback X55