Whale Export Pipelines

General information

Client Williams Field Services Group 
Project Whale Export Pipelines 
Year 2022 
Location Southern Gulf of Mexico (US) 
Vessels Solitaire 
Max. water depth 2700

Scope of work

  • Design & Fabrication of J- and S-mode structures
  • Installation of 200-km, 18-inch oil export line
  • Installation of 40-km, 18-inch gas export line
  • Handling and transportation of around 20,500 joints
  • Installation 2x PLETs (J-mode), 1x PLEM (J-mode), 1x ILS (S-mode) and 1x dual ball valve assembly (S-mode)

Project specials

  • Peak lay rate: 7.6 km/day (fastest lay-rate achieved by Solitaire  in past 10 years)
  • Allseas in-house developed NDT system “Dolphin” operational for the first time
  • Allseas in-house designed and fabricated VIV strakes installed ( 10,000-ft section, 3048 m installed on the pipes)
  • Oil Export Pipeline PLET deepest ever installed by Allseas (2615 m water depth)
    Oil Export Pipeline is the second deepest pipelay job ever (18-inch pipe / 2650 m water depth)