
General information

Client Hoogheemraadschap van Delfland 
Project Verversingskanaal 
Location Verversingskanaal Scheveningen, The Netherlands 

Scope of work

Allseas is conducting a study for Hoogheemraadschap van Delfland, the authority responsible for water management in Delft and The Hague, to investigate plastic pollution in the Verversingskanaal in Scheveningen. The canal directly discharges into the harbour of Scheveningen and therefore into the North Sea; despite the trash rack installed in front of the pumping station Schoute on the canal, small pieces of litter go through and possibly end up in the sea.

Allseas has been missioned to determine how much litter is susceptible to escape the trash rack and end up in the North Sea. The river plastics team performed sampling tests with three nets at three different water depths to investigate the distribution of the plastics.  Once the waste has been analysed in Allseas’ lab, a collection system for the canal can be designed.

European grant LIFE awarded to back Allseas’ plastic removal efforts

Our efforts have received EU financial backing in the form of a grant under the LIFE programme, the EU’s funding instrument for environmental and climate action. Over the next three years, our “LIFE SouPLess” project aims to support existing waste management processes, and develop and deploy state-of-the-art plastic identification and recovery tools in support of the EU Water Framework Directive.

Read more about Allseas’ river plastics removal project and other sustainability efforts.
More projects in the Benelux by Allseas’ river plastics removal team: plastic collection systems for the Port of Antwerp, Vlaamse Waterweg and the Nieuwe Maas river.