Shell Nakika - Allseas

Shell Nakika

General information

Client Shell International Exploration and Production 
Project Shell Nakika 
Year 2002 
Location Gulf of Mexico 
Vessels Lorelay, Solitaire 
Max. water depth 1920 m (6300 ft)

Scope of work

  • Engineering
  • Fabrication
  • Pipelay
  • Trenching
  • Subsea construction
  • Pre-commissioning

Project specials

  • S-lay installation of 24” gas export pipeline in 1820 m (5971 ft) water depth
  • S-lay installation of 18” oil export pipeline in 1920 m (6300 ft) water depth
  • 18” oil pipeline was installed in flooded condition to reduce wall thickness

Pipe characteristics

116/72 18 22.2-28.6 X65
111/69 24 12.7-14.3 X65